Remembering the Bicycle ride that left me humbled, grateful and inspired by others

During three weeks in September – a decade ago – I was inspired, humbled, broken, motivated, encouraged, lifted up and supported by family, friends, amazing teammates, and fellow Sears National Kids Cancer Ride (SNKCR) cyclists. Over the course of 15 days, we travelled 3,450 kilometers across Canada through every kind of weather: heat, humidity, headwinds, sleet, snow, rain. It was grueling – and it was worth it. I cannot even begin to adequately thank the absolutely out of this world volunteers – I’ll say that again, absolutely out of this world volunteers – donors, Marsh Canada and Insurance Industry colleagues and an amazing group of cycling friends – known as the “Heavy Rollers.”
I knew this ride was going to impact me physically – I had no idea about the profound mental and emotional effect it would have on me. Words will never do the experience justice. As I reflect on this it doesn’t take too long for more than a few tears to well up.
The tears then and now were for the young – far too young – brave warriors and their families fighting a battle that breaks the heart of every parent whose child has received a cancer diagnosis. During those three weeks in September there were many times that I had to find a private spot to cry after meeting a family, a nurse, a doctor, a caregiver and hardest of all – a child sharing their life story, the fight of their life.
In those moments I learned that sharing tears was the instinctive and appropriate thing to do. Tears communicate what words fail to do.
I also learned that there was no need to find a private spot to cry – it was okay to just stand there with a family, child, nurse, fellow rider, volunteer and communicate with our collective tears. I learned that tears are good, they heal us from the inside out, they make us who we are designed to be and are sometimes the only response or action others need from us. And yes, tears are sometimes what we also need for and from ourselves.
I started this ride 10 years ago thinking that I was going to make a financial contribution to others. I ended the ride broken, humbled and inspired by the power of those weakened by disease, yet strengthened by a power greater than even they realized. They summoned strength from their inner being, their soul, a higher power – and by a community of passionate volunteers. When the world seems cold, I reflect on this ride and the warmth I experienced from people who have struggles far greater than I can ever imagine. I think about the connection we all felt with one another and with such a worthy cause.
That ride impacted me and provided me with a window into the suffering of others and put into perspective how small my problems and issues are in comparison with others. I often think of the children and their families I met on that journey and wish them strength, happiness, and health. I hope their struggles are lessened and their blessings are abundant.
A shout out of thanks and gratitude to:
Jeff Rushton whose vision, inspiration, leadership and whose friends and passionate volunteers have done so much to raise awareness and funds for much needed childhood cancer research and support programs across Canada.
Jim Abernethy EVP, CFO & COO of Marsh Canada, who is no longer with us yet missed, loved and remembered by so many, whose support was integral to: my involvement and for Marsh Canada’s corporate sponsorship.
Alan Garner President & CEO of Marsh Canada and many other Canadian corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners and the many corporations like Marsh Canada, Sears Canada and Investors Group who provided/committed much needed corporate sponsorship dollars and payments in kind to underwrite the event’s operating costs and ensure that every dollar donated was a dollar sent directly for funding cancer research and support programs across Canada.
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